About Us
Providing an invaluable alternative to commercial
workers' compensation since 1994

Our Background
The New Hampshire Hospitality Compensation Trust (NHHCT) is a self-insured, not-for-profit trust established in 1994 to offer members a valuable alternative from the ever-rising cost of the commercial insurance market. Since its inception, participating members have received more than $12.5 million in dividends, making the Trust the most advantageous form of workers’ compensation coverage.
Three Non-Profits. One Mission.
Each organization brings their own expertise under the united vision of creating a better option for NH hospitality businesses' workers' compensation needs.

Lisa Allen
Chair of the Board
Great New Hampshire Restaurants
Lisa Allen is the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for Great NH Restaurants and a lifelong resident of New Hampshire. Lisa graduated with a B.A. in Communication from UNH at Manchester. As the Chair of the Board, Lisa is a valuable resource to the NH Hospitality Compensation Trust for her financial expertise and experience in corporate branding.
Board Members
Randy Labnon
Town & Country Inn
& Resort
Peter Labrie
The Labrie Group
Jay McSharry
JGroup. Hospitality
Eric Roberts
Lui Lui
Brian Shea
The Barley House Restaurant
Mike Somers
New Hampshire Lodging & Restaurant Association
Karen Meyers
Three Chimneys Inn & Frost Sawyer Tavern
Scott Rice
Woodstock Inn & Brewery
John Tinios
Tinios Hospitality Group
Sim Wiley
Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant