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Member Hub

Thank you for being a valued member of the

New Hampshire Hospitality Compensation Trust

  • What is the difference between a commercial policy and NHHCT?
    The NHHCT is a not-for-profit, self-insured trust. Self-Insurance is the most advantageous form of workers’ compensation insurance, as it enables the employer to receive unused funds contributed back in the form of dividends- unlike a commercial policy where policy payments stay in the pocket of the insurance company. Also unlike commercial insurance, rates are evaluated annually based on the actuary’s analysis of the Trust’s experience instead of being evaluated based on the experience of the entire state or region. This allows the Trust to keep rates lower than commercial insurance policies for the same amount of coverage.
  • I am purchasing a new location that I would like to have covered by NHHCT, what are my next steps?
    Congratulations on your new location! Members with multiple locations have two options for coverage: To add a new location to an existing policy, please complete "Additional Location" form. The form will request your basic business information as well as your estimated payroll by class code. Please be aware that adding to an existing policy means that the two policies will be billed together and share losses. To add a new location on its own policy, please contact Samantha Poole at to complete a new application.
  • Does the Trust offer a pay per pay period service?
    The NHHCT, in partnership with local payroll service provider CheckmateHCM, offers members the opportunity and flexibility to choose to pay for coverage per pay period. Avoid the upfront policy cost, eliminate the need for an audit, and have the peace of mind that you will never have to pay in due to payroll fluctuations. To learn more about this program, or to receive a quote for payroll services, contact Casey Rollins, VP Sales & Marketing, at or by phone at (603) 225-2004.
  • When will I start receiving dividends?
    Members are eligible for dividends after a three-year vesting period. From there, dividends are taken from claim years that have been closed- meaning that all claims have been settled from that claim year.
  • I am in the process of selling my business. Can the new owners retain coverage and dividend benefits through the NHHCT?
    A trust member who is seeking to sell their business has the option of transferring their membership with the Trust to the new ownership. By transferring your membership, the new owners are entitled to the dividends that you would have received going forward as well as the previous owner's experience modifier. NHLRA membership is still required to maintain NHHCT membership. To complete a Transfer of Ownership Form, please contact Samantha Poole at
  • What happens if the Trust has a catastrophic claim?
    The Trust has reinsurance, Midwest Employer Casualty, that covers catastrophic claims to ensure our members have the peace of mind that their coverage will not be impacted by another members claim.
  • How do I get a quote?
    To get a quote, please contact with Samantha Poole, Marketing & Sales Director, at or complete our Quick Quote Form to receive a free quote.
  • How do I submit a claim?
    To submit a claim, please complete a First Report of Injury Form. Please go to the Member Resources tab and click on "Report a Claim" to complete a live document that will send directly to the NHHCT administration. If you already have a completed form, please scan and send to
  • What are dividends?
    Members of the NHHCT have a benefit unheard of in the commercial market: Dividends. Unlike commercial insurance agencies, premiums are invested for earnings and not paid to an insurance company. Once claims and administration costs are paid, the net investment dollars are returned to our members! Individual dividends are based on the Trust's overall experience as well as the individual policies claims experience for that claim year.


Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

The New Hampshire Hospitality Compensation Trust is serviced by our third-party administration, NH Motor Transport Association, and sales are provided by New Hampshire Lodging & Restaurant Association.

Fund Administrator

Diane Symonds

The Fund Administrator and oversees the entire program.


Benefits Administrator

Dorothy Bryant

Contact for policy documents, posters, or adjustments to existing polcies.

(603) 415-8313

(603) 415-8334

Director of Managed Care & WC Programs

Wendy Skillings

​Contact for questions pertaining to any claim and loss run reports.

(603) 415-8327

Director of Safety & Loss Control

MaryGrace Johansen

Contact for safety audits and loss prevention consultations.

(603) 415-8402

Sales & Marketing Director

Samantha Poole

Contact for sales, transfers of ownership, additional locations, and marketing.


Claims Adjuster

Christine Marirea

Contact for assistance with and to submit First Report of Injury Forms.

(603) 415-8338

Accounting Manager​

Amy Chadbourne

Contact forinvoicing and payment inquiries regarding your current policy.

(603) 415-8315​

Claims Assistant

Julia Dumais

Contact for assistance with and to submit First Report of Injury Forms.

(603) 415-8326

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